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Authentic Cuban Cigars
We also guarantee that all our cigars are 100% genuine Cuban
cigars. Cohiba Talisman Edicion Limitada 2017
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Locust –
When you have a well rolled one (not too tight) then this can be an extremely enjoyable 30min cigar, which presents all of the tasty Cohiba attributes. However, I find these too pricey for what they are, even for this brand…..still a strong 8/10 ciga
Kingswood –
Enjoyed the experience immensely but while the 1,2 & 3rd were rich with differing flavours, I also found this to be a disappointment to what I was expecting. The wrapper is wonderful with a sweet flavour of its own merit
Lesther –
As this cigar is considered to be on of Cohiba best cigars, it is not recommended to smoke it without a proper ageing in order to enjoy and taste its multiple qualities. The strong tobacco taste is predominant, perfectly combined with Cohiba typical grassy and medium bean flavours.