Drew Estate cigars

Drew Estate is home to some of the most popular premium cigar blends on the planet. However, the brands story was not met with instant success, but rather with trials, tribulations, and an unyielding desire to create unique cigars that defy the guidelines of traditional cigar blending. This concept motivated both men to coin Drew Estate – “The Rebirth of Cigars”.

Unlike many other brands produced by a generational family of Cuban-born cigar makers, Drew Estate was founded by two frat brothers who in 1998 daringly opened a small 16-square foot retail cigar kiosk in the World Trade Center in NYC.

Driven by their passion for the country of Nicaragua, and the top-quality tobaccos grown there, Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel moved their cigar operation to Nicaragua where it thrives today as the largest producers of premium cigars in Nicaragua.

With such a unique and extensive catalog (including but not limited to the extremely popular ACID, Liga Privada, Undercrown, and Herrera Esteli lines), it’s no surprise that Drew Estate cigars has amassed a huge portfolio of top-rated brands that are unlike any other.